Parish Building Partners Hosted by St Stephen's
Operation Nightwatch
Operation Nightwatch is a non-sectarian night ministry of friendship and community that has been serving Portland’s street population since 1981. Whereas other agencies exist to provide services such as housing, food, and clothing to the homeless, low-income, and mentally ill, ONW’s unique vision is that these populations also suffer from social isolation. Our simple mission is to reach out to them, nurturing relationship. We welcome each person who comes to us, just as they are. No one is required to conform to any particular belief or faith practice in order to receive our services. For more info, visit |
Journey Koinnonia
St. Stephen's is home to Journey Koinonia, supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) Catholic community. Journey Koinonia Catholic Community is a progressive, inclusive, lay-led Catholic community of faith committed to seeking justice and equality through weekly liturgy and service to the community. For more info, visit |